Monday, July 15, 2019

Bridgeport Spaulding School Board Meeting July 10th, 2019

On the agenda:
1. Sinking Fund Expenditures Update & Approval begins at 0:37
2. Renovation Update begins at 8:58
3. Superintendent's Evaluation Discussion begins at 13:59
4. Board and Superintendent Comments begin at 15:32
© 2019 Carla Citizen All Rights Reserved

This was a special meeting called to address several items. It was a short but very informative meeting. Superintendent Whelton gave updates on the Technology Phase III improvements in the school system.  The board voted to approve up to $100,000.00 from the sinking fund to cover this work. There are some great improvements coming to our schools that will benefit and hopefully excite the students.
The renovations like roof repair etc... are ongoing.  The schools will be partnering with the Great Lakes Bay Health Center and they will be doing some remodeling in the high school. That is where their office will be located.  Their services will be available to all students at all the school locations.
The sad news, at least sad to me.  They will be demolishing Schrah and Schluckbier Schools. 😢 I loved those schools and still have fond memories of the schools & some truly great teachers there.
They went into closed session for further discussion of the Superintendent's evaluation.  New data came in and they reevaluated based on the new data.
During the Superintendent comments at the end he gives some well deserved shout outs to staff and students that are working around the schools during the summer.  Also talks about the new eSports  and creative arts programs they have started, and more updates.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bridgeport Township DDA Meeting July 10th, 2019

On the agenda:
Presentation by Mark Whelton, the Superintendent of Bridgeport Spaulding Schools begins at 2:00
New Business:
1.  Public Informational Meeting begins at 38:40
Old Business:
1.  Demolition 4418 Williamson Update begins at 41:49
2.  Dixie Hwy Project Update begins at 44:25
3.  DDA By Laws begins at 48:48
DDA Coordinator's Report begins at 49:51
DDA Member Comments begin at 55:41
© 2019 Carla Citizen All Rights Reserved

Sorry about the quality of this video!  I forgot my tripod so the video is a little shaky.  Also the township  has low lighting at this new location which makes the video grainy, and a poor sound system.

The meeting starts with a presentation by the Superintendent of the Bridgeport Schools.  He talks about current news for the schools, and long range plans and projects.  Mr. Whelton passed out a talking points memo for his presentation and I have attached that to the end of this post.  His presentation is just a little over 30 minutes long and is worth listening to.   He goes into more detail than it shows in his talking points memo and you can hear his enthusiasm for our schools and students.

It sounds like there is a new rule that DDA boards are required to hold two informational meetings per year for the public.  These meetings will be for the public to come and comment on things they are concerned about, things they are happy about.  Sounds like the DDA board will provide updates on projects etc... to the public.  They are looking at setting the date for the first meeting for Tuesday, August 27th.  I believe it will likely be in the evening.  I will post any updates on this as they come out.

It is always worth your time to listen to the DDA Coordinator's report for updates and information, also to the board member comments.  One of the items discussed during board member comments was the canoe kayak launch at Hoffmann Community Park.  The location is still not open and may not be this year.

The talking points memo for Mark Whelton, the Superintendent of Bridgeport Spaulding Schools presentation:  Click on image to enlarge.

Bridgeport Township Planning Commission Meeting June 27th, 2019

I did not attend this meeting but felt there was information in the meeting minutes that would be of interest to Bridgeport Township residents.

The meeting minutes:

I. Call to Order & Pledge to the U.S. Flag
Chairman Tate called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and lead the Pledge to the U.S. Flag.

II. Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors
Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar took roll call.
Present: DeSander, Moore, Hurd, Placher, Thayer, Tate.
Absent: Culpepper, Smith, Williams.
Also present: Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar and 5 people in the audience. 

III. Approval of Proposed Agenda
Motion by DeSander, supported by Placher, to approve the agenda as presented.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent

IV. Approval of Minutes- April 25, 2019 Regular Meeting
Motion by Thayer, supported by Hurd, to approve the minutes from the April 25, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent

V. Special Orders & Scheduled Public Hearing
a. Rezone Request RZ19-02:
Junction Road, Parcel #09-11-5-25-1002-003 & 09-11-5-25-1002-001. Request rezoning on both parcels from RA- Residential Agriculture to C-2 Community Center District.
Motion by DeSander, supported by Moore, to open the public hearing at 6:04pm.
Chairman Tate asked if there was anyone that wished to speak regarding the request. 

Bruce Caliman- 6505 Junction Road: stated that he isn’t aware of what the request is all about. The farmer that owns property next to him is against it. He is concerned with traffic and if the use will require more policing. He is worried about the safety of kids if speeding becomes an issue.
Motion by DeSander, supported by Hurd, to close the public hearing at 6:09pm. 

VI. Public Comments- NONE 

VII. Correspondence & Communications 

VIII. New Business
a. Small Wireless Communications Facilities Deployment Act- Summary

Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar said that there is a new act on the books that is something that the township would like to be proactive and ready for and she has contacted Doug Piggott from Rowe Professional Services to help explain and draft an ordinance for it. She asked Mr. Piggott to give a brief overview of the act and its intent.
Mr. Piggott said that about 2/3 of the act doesn’t pertain to Bridgeport Township. He explained that a lot of the act will deal with the County Road Commission as the majority of things will occur in the road right of way. However, there is a portion that could fall on individuals’ properties, in which a zoning ordinance would probably need to be in place. Potentially, there is the possibility that Bridgeport would have two separate ordinances- a police power ordinance and a zoning ordinance. 

IX. Committee Reports- NONE 

X. Old Business 

a. Rezone Request RZ19-02:
Junction Road, Parcel #09-11-5-25-1002-003 & 09-11-5-25-1002-001.
Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar read her staff report.
Moore inquired about parking. Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar said that a parking area could be requested at Planning Commission but as of now, the building shares a parking lot with the church. She also mentioned that anything that goes into that building will have to come before the Planning Commission for a Site Plan Review.
Discussion was held.
Motion by Moore, supported by DeSander, to approve rezone request RZ19-02 from RAResidential Agriculture to C-2 Community Center District. 

Roll call vote was taken.
Placher- yes; Culpepper- absent; Smith- absent; DeSander- yes; Moore- yes; Thayer- yes; Williams- absent; Hurd- yes; Tate- yes.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent

b. Alternative Energy Ordinance (Wind & Solar)
Mr. Piggott said he received both the former wind energy ordinance and the proposed solar energy ordinance from Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar and reviewed them. He went through some of the things that needed updating due to new laws and technology that may not have been in place when they were both written. He went through each section, making suggestions of items for Bridgeport Township. 

c. Small Wireless Communications Facilities Deployment Act Ordinance
Mr. Piggott explained more about the new act, and went through a number of items that should be mentioned in the ordinance. He asked Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar if the township will request both types of ordinance. She said yes, but would double check with management. After discussion, Mr. Piggott said he would draft an ordinance for each type. 

XI. Comments
a. Planning Commissioners
b. Township Board Representative
c. Planning & Zoning Staff 

XII. Adjournment
Motion by Moore, supported by Placher, to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 pm.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent
Respectfully submitted: June 28, 2019
Jamie Sedlar - Recording Secretary
Paul DeSander, Secretary

The rezoning request is for two parcels on Junction Road that are owned by Harold Wininger.  They are located next to the Cornerstone  Assembly Of God church, and one of the parcels contains the big pole barn type building. The two parcels look to be a little over 17 acres total.  They will be rezoned from RA- Residential Agriculture to C-2 Community Center District. I have no idea what future plans Mr. Wininger has for this property and there is no indication in the minutes as to his intention.
The C-2 district description is:

"This district is designed to provide and encourage the use of land for office uses and business uses that may serve  the  needs  of  this  commercial  area,  as  well  as provide space for larger commercial developments that serve the needs of the Township as a   whole.   This   may   include   limited   and   properly designed  higher  density  residential  uses  and  higher intensity commercial uses" 

The other item that caught my attention is the "Small Wireless Communications Facilities Deployment Act Ordinance".  I had no idea what that was so I went searching.  Quick summary is this is about small cell towers and 5G networks.  
Here are 2 articles about the act that was passed by the Michigan legislature and signed by Governor Snyder in December 2018.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Another Discussion With Another Township Official, SMH

On Wednesday, July 10th, before the Bridgeport Township DDA board meeting started one of our elected officials stopped to have a talk with me.  Another township employee had the same kind of talk with me back in early May.  Both of these talks were about my opposition to the township bringing back Lee Carpenter, the man recalled by the voters in 2011, as the new township clerk in April of this year.  Both of these talks left me a little shocked.  I left that meeting today just shaking my head and asking if he really said those things?  My mother attended the meeting with me today and heard every word that was said and she is still shocked also.

The conversation started out normal.  He said he was hoping that perhaps he and Lee could sit down and have a meeting with me sometime. I wasn't receptive to that for several reasons.  I may not be able to recall everything that was said word for word but I will try to share as much of the conversation with you that I can.

One of the things he said was that he suspected I was getting information from people and he feels that information is wrong.  Actually I am not getting information from other people. I am not being influenced by anyone else in this township, not by the people they consider the "naysayers".  Someone asked me back in April who was the new township clerk after Darlene Miller retired.  My response was that I had no idea, I haven't been going to the meetings, haven't even been reading the emails from the township.  So I decided to find out who it was and when I found out in the meeting minutes for April that they had brought Lee Carpenter back I was upset.  I have been writing about it ever since, and those posts are my personal feelings and thoughts, and information that I am finding from old news articles and some of my own videos of past meetings etc... The only information I have been getting from "others" is their feedback to my posts that they are as upset as I am that Lee Carpenter has been brought back.  Some are more upset than I am.  This elected official and his other township friend keep telling me what a good man Lee is, but guess what, not everyone in this township feels that way about him.  Whether he is a good man or not is irrelevant.  The issue is that he was recalled by the voters, then brought back by his friends in the township government.  This is the point that the township government can not seem to understand as to why the voters are opposed to what they have done.

Another thing that was said was that I think this is some kind of conspiracy, plot or whatever by the township government in the handling of bringing Lee Carpenter back.  Actually I have been trying to give them the benefit of the doubt in this.  When I stand back and look at the whole picture though, step by step, it does look like some kind of conspiracy possibly.
Step 1 - Darlene Miller resigns as the township clerk and the township government never posts an opening for the position.  The township government did not appear to make any effort to seek out applicants for the township clerk position.  21 days after Darlene resigns, Lee Carpenter supposedly applies for the position.  3 days prior to that another township resident did apply but was not even granted an interview because she did not have prior experience.
Step 2 -  During my "talk" with the other township employee back in May, she admitted that they had a discussion before hiring Lee Carpenter and that they knew his being previously recalled would possibly be a problem with the voters.
Step 3 -  Today the township official talked about the lack of interviews and search for other applicants.  I believe his remark was "why interview 15 other people when we already knew who we were going to hire?". BINGO!!  It sounds as if they were only ever planning on hiring Lee Carpenter, and no one else but him.  This remark was one of the ones that shocked me.
Step 4 - After the township board approved the hiring of Lee Carpenter as the new township clerk on April 2nd, there was no official announcement put out by the township government.  I would have thought that announcement would have been in the very next issue of the Birch Run Herald.  Still no official announcement to this day that the board voted to bring back the man the voters recalled.

So does the lack of the township looking for qualified applicants for the clerk position, the acknowledgement that they knew Lee Carpenter being previously recalled would be a problem,  the fact that the township has never announced his hiring, combined with the fact that no profile page was put up for the new township clerk like there is for every other township official until July 9th, equal a conspiracy?  It sure could appear to people that the township had no intention of ever hiring anyone else other than their friend Lee, and that they were trying to keep it quiet because they knew the residents might get upset since they had voted to recall him from that very office.
What could be another possible theory for all of this?  That they are all just so totally incompetent they are not even capable of running the township?

Another part of the "conspiracy" discussion was about my comments that there may be some that voted for Lee Carpenter because he is "family" and/or "friends" with some of these township officials.  I said he voted for him because he is his friend.  He didn't disagree. The shocking part of that discussion to me was that it seemed as if he didn't see anything wrong with that. The friendship between Lee and these township government officials clouds their judgement in my opinion.

Another part of the discussion today with this official involved the recalls of 2010 & 2011 and the voters.  This part really boggled my mind, and really reaffirmed my belief that it is their arrogance that makes them so out of touch with the residents, so disdainful of the voters.  I believe it was during this part of the discussion that I tried to tell him that they do not see things from the voters point of view, they seem to be incapable of seeing that. The voters chose to recall Lee Carpenter and they had no right to bring him back. I feel the township officials truly believe the recall was wrong, that they were in the right. He was going on that it was all based on lies, the voters were basically hoodwinked Some comments he made I believe were "how many voters do you know that are really engaged?" "how many really care?" "how many really know what is going on?" "those voters almost recalled the entire board".  I can't remember every thing he said during this part because it truly upset me.  But I felt there was no mistaking the tone of his voice, his disdain for the voters of this township.  My mother says this was the most shocking part of the entire conversation, his unmistakable disdain for the voters.  I think that the township officials don't feel they have done anything wrong by bringing Lee Carpenter back because they feel the stupid voters were wrong in recalling him.

Another comment made multiple times by this official was along the line of "I can see that this is going to be an issue with you".   It is an issue with me, and one that I feel strongly enough about that I will continue speaking out against it until the 2020 election.  The voters recalled Lee Carpenter, the township officials brought him back against the voters wishes.  I think they will find that it is going to be an "issue" with other voters in this township also. 

I don't know if I am able to adequately relay the underlying tone I picked up during this conversation with the township official today. You would have to of been there and heard and seen it for yourself.  I left there thinking that talking to them is like beating a dead horse.  They will never understand how the voters feel and think, they are incapable of doing so.  They are so arrogant, so set in their ways, in their little clique up there, and they will never change.  It seems like they stick together, they watch each others backs, they don't want people that might be a threat to their little clique there.  The residents of Bridgeport need elected officials that will watch the residents backs, not each others backs. The only way for the voters to see any change in the direction of our township is to vote these people out of office. To be able to vote some of these people out of office we first need honest residents that will step up and run for election, residents that will actually serve their fellow citizens for the citizens benefit, for the entire townships benefit.

Here are my thoughts on the first "talk" that one of our township officials had with me about my opposition to them bringing Lee Carpenter back into our government.   My Personal Feelings

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Bridgeport Township Clerk Profile Page - Confusion or Revisionist History?

The Bridgeport Township website has finally put a profile page back up for the township clerk.  It was removed around May 7th or 8th.  This profile page finally shows Lee Carpenter as the township clerk.  He was appointed to the position on April 2nd, 2019.  It took them awhile to get his profile page up. I hope other things don't run this slowly in the rest of the township government.  I took a look at his profile and noticed a big discrepancy.  Here is a screenshot of the profile page as of Tuesday, July 9th.

Link to his profile page on the township website:

Does anyone else notice the glaring discrepancy?  Look at this statement -- "I spent many years as the Township Clerk and when I was not re-elected in 2008, I concentrated on renovating ball field’s all over Michigan."  According to this statement, it would appear that he was not the township clerk or even a member of the board from 2008 until he got appointed by the current board this April.  That statement that he lost his re-election in 2008 is inaccurate.  Let's review some facts and the timeline:

November 2008 --  Lee Carpenter won re-election as the township clerk.  It was a 4 year term.
Township elections in Saginaw County

 November 2009 -- In a news article it mentions "Township Clerk Lee Carpenter".
Bridgeport Township board doesn't act on police and fire millage

August 2010 -- A news article again lists Lee Carpenter as the township clerk.
Bridgeport Township supervisor seat to remain vacant until November election

May 2011 -- Lee Carpenter was one of the board members that was recalled by the voters. This article refers to him as the  "Now-former Bridgeport Township Clerk Lee Carpenter".
Accusations fly in wake of Bridgeport board recall

August 2012 --  Lee Carpenter ran in the election to regain his position as township clerk but lost.
More election results: Contested Saginaw County races

Lee Carpenters profile page is misleading in stating that he lost re-election in 2008; totally omits the fact that he was the township clerk and a part of this township government during all the troubles  during the years of 2009 & 2010, and that he was recalled by the voters in 2011.  It also fails to mention that he ran again trying to regain his seat as township clerk in 2012 and lost.  So according to his profile, which I assume was written by him, he wasn't present for any of the above events???

Is Lee Carpenter that confused?  Is he suffering from memory loss?  Is he attempting a little "revisionist history" to try and mislead the residents and voters in 2020 into thinking he wasn't involved in all that mess back then?  If he is that confused, suffering from memory loss, or being dishonest, then perhaps he is not the person that should be serving as the Bridgeport township clerk?
The way his profile page should read is "I spent many years as the Township Clerk until I was recalled by the voters in 2011."

I would suggest that the Bridgeport township government get the corrections done to update his profile more accurately so the residents don't suspect that it is an attempt to hide the truth from the voters.  It has taken the township government from April 2nd, 2019 until July 9th, 2019 to finally get a profile page up for Lee Carpenter.  Hopefully they will get the proper updates done to his profile in plenty of time before the election in 2020 in which the voters will be voting for the township clerk position.  Hopefully we will have more candidates run in 2020 for the board.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Bridgeport Township Board Meeting July 2nd, 2019

On the agenda:
Adoption of Agenda begins at 2:06
Approval of Minutes - June 4th, 2019 Regular Meeting begins at 2:59
Public Comment begins at 3:30
New Business -
1. Resolution R19-07 Sidewalk Fund Deficit Elimination Plan begins at 9:30
2. Resolution R19-08 Fire Fund Deficit Elimination Plan begins at 11:38
3. Downtown Development Authority By-Laws begins at 12:27
4. 3350 Dixie Court Demolition begins at 13:44
5. 2005 Ford F250 Pickup Sale begins at 17:07
Accounts Payable Checks begins at 18:18
Board Member Comments begins at 19:37
© 2019 Carla Citizen All Rights Reserved

I usually don't include items in the beginning of the meetings like roll call, adoption of agenda etc...  in my blog posts.  One of the items they do at the beginning of every meeting is approve the meeting minutes from the previous month.  Tonight they approved the meeting minutes from the June 4th meeting.  If you look at the meeting minutes posted on the township's website, it always shows the "unapproved" meeting minutes. One thing I noticed from the June 4th meeting minutes posted online is that it says there were no public comments, but on my video for that meeting there was a woman that spoke for almost 5 minutes about the flooding problem in the area where she lives. I don't know how important it is for the minutes to accurately record the meetings.  I have to assume that their "experienced" old/new township clerk Lee Carpenter did get that corrected before they voted to approve those minutes tonight.

Two residents spoke during the public comment period during tonight's meeting.   When the second speaker was up there all I could think is he is not a Libertarian that believes in limiting government control and civil liberties.  BTW, if you live on Towerline Road, you better get your yards in tip top shape!

Township Manager Rose Licht gives lots of updates & information during the comment period.  One of the items she talked about was the letter sent out with the summer tax bills.  The letter talks about the location where they are now and how it does not serve their needs, and what possible plans they are looking at for the future.  The letter is posted at the end of this blog post.  They will be holding public hearings at some point in the future when they have more plan options.  I do know that they are paying $2,500.00 per month on a land contract for the location to Saginaw Valley United Pentecostal church.  They also voted on June 4th to pay $3,000.00 for tree removal at their current location.  They already have money invested into this location. I will post any updates on any public meetings they may hold in the future on this subject.

It is mentioned during the comments at the end of the meeting about signing up for their email list to receive updates and important information for the township residents.  I keep mentioning this over and over hoping to get residents to sign up and stay informed.  You can also check their website to keep updated on the latest information.
One bit of important information though they have not been forthcoming with is about how on April 2nd, 2019, the board voted to bring back the formerly recalled & rejected township clerk Lee Carpenter as the new township clerk.  They haven't sent out that notice by email, or posted the news on their website; and it has been over 90 days now since they brought him back.  It has also been over 54 days now since they removed the profile page from their website for the township clerk.  It doesn't appear they plan on putting one back up???  That doesn't seem like information they are trying to share with the public does it?  Unless the public was to read the board meeting minutes or read my blog & Facebook page, they would have no way of knowing that this township government brought back the man the voters threw out of office.

click on photo to enlarge it: