Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bridgeport Township Planning Commission Meeting June 27th, 2019

I did not attend this meeting but felt there was information in the meeting minutes that would be of interest to Bridgeport Township residents.

The meeting minutes:

I. Call to Order & Pledge to the U.S. Flag
Chairman Tate called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and lead the Pledge to the U.S. Flag.

II. Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors
Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar took roll call.
Present: DeSander, Moore, Hurd, Placher, Thayer, Tate.
Absent: Culpepper, Smith, Williams.
Also present: Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar and 5 people in the audience. 

III. Approval of Proposed Agenda
Motion by DeSander, supported by Placher, to approve the agenda as presented.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent

IV. Approval of Minutes- April 25, 2019 Regular Meeting
Motion by Thayer, supported by Hurd, to approve the minutes from the April 25, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent

V. Special Orders & Scheduled Public Hearing
a. Rezone Request RZ19-02:
Junction Road, Parcel #09-11-5-25-1002-003 & 09-11-5-25-1002-001. Request rezoning on both parcels from RA- Residential Agriculture to C-2 Community Center District.
Motion by DeSander, supported by Moore, to open the public hearing at 6:04pm.
Chairman Tate asked if there was anyone that wished to speak regarding the request. 

Bruce Caliman- 6505 Junction Road: stated that he isn’t aware of what the request is all about. The farmer that owns property next to him is against it. He is concerned with traffic and if the use will require more policing. He is worried about the safety of kids if speeding becomes an issue.
Motion by DeSander, supported by Hurd, to close the public hearing at 6:09pm. 

VI. Public Comments- NONE 

VII. Correspondence & Communications 

VIII. New Business
a. Small Wireless Communications Facilities Deployment Act- Summary

Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar said that there is a new act on the books that is something that the township would like to be proactive and ready for and she has contacted Doug Piggott from Rowe Professional Services to help explain and draft an ordinance for it. She asked Mr. Piggott to give a brief overview of the act and its intent.
Mr. Piggott said that about 2/3 of the act doesn’t pertain to Bridgeport Township. He explained that a lot of the act will deal with the County Road Commission as the majority of things will occur in the road right of way. However, there is a portion that could fall on individuals’ properties, in which a zoning ordinance would probably need to be in place. Potentially, there is the possibility that Bridgeport would have two separate ordinances- a police power ordinance and a zoning ordinance. 

IX. Committee Reports- NONE 

X. Old Business 

a. Rezone Request RZ19-02:
Junction Road, Parcel #09-11-5-25-1002-003 & 09-11-5-25-1002-001.
Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar read her staff report.
Moore inquired about parking. Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar said that a parking area could be requested at Planning Commission but as of now, the building shares a parking lot with the church. She also mentioned that anything that goes into that building will have to come before the Planning Commission for a Site Plan Review.
Discussion was held.
Motion by Moore, supported by DeSander, to approve rezone request RZ19-02 from RAResidential Agriculture to C-2 Community Center District. 

Roll call vote was taken.
Placher- yes; Culpepper- absent; Smith- absent; DeSander- yes; Moore- yes; Thayer- yes; Williams- absent; Hurd- yes; Tate- yes.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent

b. Alternative Energy Ordinance (Wind & Solar)
Mr. Piggott said he received both the former wind energy ordinance and the proposed solar energy ordinance from Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar and reviewed them. He went through some of the things that needed updating due to new laws and technology that may not have been in place when they were both written. He went through each section, making suggestions of items for Bridgeport Township. 

c. Small Wireless Communications Facilities Deployment Act Ordinance
Mr. Piggott explained more about the new act, and went through a number of items that should be mentioned in the ordinance. He asked Planning & Zoning Administrator Sedlar if the township will request both types of ordinance. She said yes, but would double check with management. After discussion, Mr. Piggott said he would draft an ordinance for each type. 

XI. Comments
a. Planning Commissioners
b. Township Board Representative
c. Planning & Zoning Staff 

XII. Adjournment
Motion by Moore, supported by Placher, to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 pm.
6- yes 0-no 3- absent
Respectfully submitted: June 28, 2019
Jamie Sedlar - Recording Secretary
Paul DeSander, Secretary

The rezoning request is for two parcels on Junction Road that are owned by Harold Wininger.  They are located next to the Cornerstone  Assembly Of God church, and one of the parcels contains the big pole barn type building. The two parcels look to be a little over 17 acres total.  They will be rezoned from RA- Residential Agriculture to C-2 Community Center District. I have no idea what future plans Mr. Wininger has for this property and there is no indication in the minutes as to his intention.
The C-2 district description is:

"This district is designed to provide and encourage the use of land for office uses and business uses that may serve  the  needs  of  this  commercial  area,  as  well  as provide space for larger commercial developments that serve the needs of the Township as a   whole.   This   may   include   limited   and   properly designed  higher  density  residential  uses  and  higher intensity commercial uses" 

The other item that caught my attention is the "Small Wireless Communications Facilities Deployment Act Ordinance".  I had no idea what that was so I went searching.  Quick summary is this is about small cell towers and 5G networks.  
Here are 2 articles about the act that was passed by the Michigan legislature and signed by Governor Snyder in December 2018.

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