Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Bridgeport Township Clerk Profile Page - Confusion or Revisionist History?

The Bridgeport Township website has finally put a profile page back up for the township clerk.  It was removed around May 7th or 8th.  This profile page finally shows Lee Carpenter as the township clerk.  He was appointed to the position on April 2nd, 2019.  It took them awhile to get his profile page up. I hope other things don't run this slowly in the rest of the township government.  I took a look at his profile and noticed a big discrepancy.  Here is a screenshot of the profile page as of Tuesday, July 9th.

Link to his profile page on the township website:

Does anyone else notice the glaring discrepancy?  Look at this statement -- "I spent many years as the Township Clerk and when I was not re-elected in 2008, I concentrated on renovating ball field’s all over Michigan."  According to this statement, it would appear that he was not the township clerk or even a member of the board from 2008 until he got appointed by the current board this April.  That statement that he lost his re-election in 2008 is inaccurate.  Let's review some facts and the timeline:

November 2008 --  Lee Carpenter won re-election as the township clerk.  It was a 4 year term.
Township elections in Saginaw County

 November 2009 -- In a news article it mentions "Township Clerk Lee Carpenter".
Bridgeport Township board doesn't act on police and fire millage

August 2010 -- A news article again lists Lee Carpenter as the township clerk.
Bridgeport Township supervisor seat to remain vacant until November election

May 2011 -- Lee Carpenter was one of the board members that was recalled by the voters. This article refers to him as the  "Now-former Bridgeport Township Clerk Lee Carpenter".
Accusations fly in wake of Bridgeport board recall

August 2012 --  Lee Carpenter ran in the election to regain his position as township clerk but lost.
More election results: Contested Saginaw County races

Lee Carpenters profile page is misleading in stating that he lost re-election in 2008; totally omits the fact that he was the township clerk and a part of this township government during all the troubles  during the years of 2009 & 2010, and that he was recalled by the voters in 2011.  It also fails to mention that he ran again trying to regain his seat as township clerk in 2012 and lost.  So according to his profile, which I assume was written by him, he wasn't present for any of the above events???

Is Lee Carpenter that confused?  Is he suffering from memory loss?  Is he attempting a little "revisionist history" to try and mislead the residents and voters in 2020 into thinking he wasn't involved in all that mess back then?  If he is that confused, suffering from memory loss, or being dishonest, then perhaps he is not the person that should be serving as the Bridgeport township clerk?
The way his profile page should read is "I spent many years as the Township Clerk until I was recalled by the voters in 2011."

I would suggest that the Bridgeport township government get the corrections done to update his profile more accurately so the residents don't suspect that it is an attempt to hide the truth from the voters.  It has taken the township government from April 2nd, 2019 until July 9th, 2019 to finally get a profile page up for Lee Carpenter.  Hopefully they will get the proper updates done to his profile in plenty of time before the election in 2020 in which the voters will be voting for the township clerk position.  Hopefully we will have more candidates run in 2020 for the board.

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