Wednesday, June 23, 2021

When Elections No Longer Matter In Bridgeport


I have posted multiple times in the past my feelings and thoughts about Lee Carpenter being snuck back onto the Bridgeport Trustee Board under the cover of darkness, without voter knowledge or approval.  You can read my previous posts here on this matter:

There has been an election held since I wrote those posts and of course Lee Carpenter was elected.  That is what happens when someone runs in a democrat stronghold, with no chance of anyone running against them.  I wonder if his buddies knew that was the way things would work out when they snuck him back onto the board in 2019? 

You are probably all sick of hearing about Lee Carpenter, so lets move onto another incident of elected officials in this township disregarding the will of the voters. Let's talk about John Rhines.

John Rhines was a member of the Bridgeport Spaulding School Board and served as the Treasurer.  In the November 2020 election, he clearly lost his bid to be reelected.  Did he lose the confidence of the voters?  I would suspect that is part of the reason that he lost?  Here are the results of that election:

Who you may ask is now sitting on the Bridgeport School Board serving as Treasurer?  Well, that would be John Rhines!  How you may ask did that happen?  Well, another school board member ran for a seat on the Spaulding Township Board in the November 2020 election and he won that seat.  He then resigned his position on the Bridgeport School Board.  That left a position open on the school board.  You would have to ask the school board members themselves how exactly they chose John Rhines to fill that open seat after he had just clearly been voted off the school board by the voters of this township.  I am sure it was all legal, but was it ethical?  Not in my opinion! 
Voters Be Damned In This Township!

My top two blog posts of all time may explain why in my opinion John Rhines should have never been elected to the school board in the first place; and those, with the election results,  why he never should have been put back on that board after his election loss.

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