Wednesday, June 26, 2019

85 Days Later We Ask "Why"? They Ask "Why Not"?

85 days later and we are still asking why members of Bridgeport Township government would bring back a man, Lee Carpenter, that was recalled by the voters in 2011.  Are those government leaders just saying "Why Not"?  I believe it is arrogance by them that makes them think they can disregard the will of the voters in our township.
Definition of arrogance
: an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions 

In conversations I have had with others regarding the past and currents actions by members of our township government,  the answer always comes down to arrogance.  Arrogance back in 2010 by them that helped start the recalls.  Here are the reasons listed for the recall of then Township Supervisor Patrick Gilles:

"The recall petitions listing the following allegations: 
- An Oct. 6 vote by Gilles to adopt a resolution to impose a 2.5-mill assessment without allowing a public vote; 
- Gilles refusing to accept public petitions requesting the 2.5-mill assessment be put to voters; 
- a Nov. 3 vote by Gilles to end a public hearing on the 2.5-mill assessment before the public could speak; 
- a Nov. 5 vote by Gilles to approve a deficit spending budget for 2010; 
- and a Jan. 5 vote by Gilles to spend township money to sue the 14 people who circulated petitions requesting a public vote."

It was arrogance shown by the supervisor and other members of that board and township employees, some of whom are still present, that led to those kind of actions by the board.  Suing the township residents that filed petitions seeking to have a millage increase put up for public vote?   It was outrageous!!  Arrogance times 1000%.  Lee Carpenter was there for all of this, current supervisor Augie Tausend was there for all of this, township manager Rose Licht was there for all of this.  These people are all still in our government and obviously their arrogance is still there.  And has that arrogance rubbed off onto the new board members, or is it just their ignorance of the past that allowed them to vote, twice, to bring Lee Carpenter back into our government?

Arrogance that makes them think there was nothing wrong with anything they did back then, not with the millage, shutting down dissent, suing the residents, and lets not forget their actions regarding the land and the bridge restoration.
Arrogance that made Lee Carpenter and Patrick Gilles think they could run for re-election back then and actually win; thankfully they were both defeated.
Arrogance that makes them think there is nothing wrong now with bringing back a man the voters recalled.
Arrogance that makes them think they can bring back a man recalled by voters and not face consequences for that.
Arrogance that makes them think they are superior to the residents/voters of this township.
Arrogance that makes them think that any resident who is upset with their decision to bring back a man that was recalled is ignorant, a naysayer, and is to be disregarded.
Arrogance that makes them think that they can try to blame a resident that chooses to speak out against their actions of bringing back a man recalled by voters for any trouble that might start because of their actions.
Arrogance that makes them think they can try to silence a residents voice again.
Arrogance that makes them think that by not announcing they brought back a man that was recalled by voters and removing the page for the position of township clerk from their website, that the voters wouldn't notice what they had done and could keep it quiet.
Arrogance that makes them think the township residents have just forgotten or don't care anymore about the troubles and abuses they committed in the past.
Arrogance that makes them think they "own" those seats on our township board and not the township residents that vote them into those seats.
Arrogance that makes any man think he has a right to sit as our township clerk even after the voters removed him from office and rejected him a second time.

85 days later and we are still asking "Why"?
85 days later and they still have not announced they brought formerly recalled township clerk Lee Carpenter back as the new township clerk.
85 days later and I wonder if they are just saying "Why Not"?  We will do whatever we want, we know better than you, and there is nothing you can do about it?
49 days since they removed the profile page from the township website for the township clerk and it still is not back up.  "Why"?

Here is a little review of the history and arrogance of our township board:

Bridgeport Township supervisor battles recall election, county clerk says ballots can't be altered with election eight days away

Bridgeport Township supervisor primary rehashes issues of 2010

Bridgeport Township supervisor seat to remain vacant until November election

Bridgeport Township resident files petitions to recall entire township board

Winchell to critics: Bridgeport Township recall allegations are 'community killing poisons'

Four up for recall in Bridgeport Township

Recall 'based on lies' was 'ridiculous,' says lone Bridgeport trustee avoiding ouster

Accusations fly in wake of Bridgeport board recall


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