Thursday, May 9, 2019

Thursday's Random Musings

There is no Great Lakes Bay in our area, there is however the Saginaw Bay. Just Saying.

When you are an employee of or an official of Bridgeport Township or Bridgeport Spaulding School District and you say you support Bridgeport, but send your children to another school district, or are seen in public in your official position wearing the clothing of another school district -- Great way to show how much you truly support our township.

Funny when one person attacks another for the very same thing they themselves do.

Actions always speak louder than words.

Government, Education, or private industry functions best when the "old boy network" is dismantled and long forgotten.  Diversity of people and thought is what brings about the best results and the least corruption. No more "yes" men need apply.  Sadly the old boy network is still alive and thriving even in places like Bridgeport.  It has been a problem here for as long as I can remember and it obviously always will be.

Taking another for a fool usually will make a fool of you.

Ignoring the truth or ignoring the past doesn't make it go away, it just makes you delusional.

Your transgressions may not be seen by all, but they are always seen by the one who is Unseen. The truth in your heart and the words spoken in secret are always known by the one who is Unknowable.

An island is surrounded by water on all sides, not just 1 1/4 sides.  Just Saying.

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