Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bridgeport Township DDA Board Meeting May 14th, 2014

Items on the Downtown Development Authority agenda were under New Business:
1 - Historic Bridge Landscape - Bids for Maintenance which starts at 4:40 in the video.
2 - Miss Bridgeport Bridge Fest Scholarship request for donation which starts at 13:05 in the video.
3 - The former B & S Heating building located next to the historic bridge which starts at 28:20 in the video.
4 - Bridge Fest Committee request for donation for fireworks which starts at 40:40 in the video.
5 - MDOT meeting concerning a future MDOT project to take place in 2015 -2016 which starts at 1:05:00 in the video.
Under Old Business they discussed:
1 - Canoe Launch which starts at 1:06:08 in the video.
2 - Snow Removal on DDA Sidewalks which starts at 1:07:05 in the video.
3 - DDA/Beautification - Flowers and Flags which starts at 1:07:20 in the video.
4 - "The Rock" @ I-75 - Sub-committee Meeting which starts at 1:21:50 in the video.
** I apologize that  my camera battery went dead during the meeting and after I put in a fresh one, the camera then said there was no more room left for recording so I missed the last few items on the agenda.  They also discussed the property swap with the GLDC and the property purchase of some land owned by the DDA board.  They also had a closed session to discuss a property purchase.
The next DDA Board regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at Noon in the Governmental Center.

At the April 9th DDA Board Meeting there was a discussion concerning donation requests from the community and the donation request from the Bridgeport Historical Society.
From the April 9th meeting minutes it says "1.) Donation Request - DDA Coordinator Dobis said that he is starting to see a lot of outside requests for donations. He stated that he has been watching the budget closely and looking into the future at things so if something comes along and there is interest in spending money for it, there will be money there. He doesn't want the community to see the DDA as a bank. He doesn't want to see the DDA footing bills for other groups’ entire projects."
For the request from the Historical Society they were requesting $6, 238.00 for needed repairs in the Historical Village and Mr. Dobis recommended giving them $2.000.00.  The DDA Board did grant them $3,100.00.  I think that was a fair and prudent decision by the board members.
At the May 14th DDA Board Meeting there was a request for $2,100 for the Miss Bridge Fest Scholarship program, Mr. Dobis recommended the full amount, the board did vote to grant the request.  There was some discussion on that item and one member that voted no said they would rather give money to the Bridgeport High School Scholarship fund since that money would go to our Bridgeport students.  I agree with that member that I would rather see the Bridgeport taxpayers money go to a Bridgeport student from our High School.
There was also a request for $4,000.00 for fireworks for Bridge Fest.  Mr. Dobis recommended the full amount be granted.  There was some lengthy discussion about members concerns of the amount and watching the budget and the committed expenses they already have.  The board voted to change that amount to $2,500.00.  There were some good and sensible discussions about the budget and I think their decision was very prudent.

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