Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bridgeport School Board Meeting April 25th, 2016

On the agenda:
- Agenda Adjustments begins at 1:02
- Title II Online Professional Learning Presentation begins at 2:33
- Personnel Committee Report - begins at 12:50
A. Move to approve the 2016 -17 BAPA contracts.
B. Move to approve the 2016 - 17 & 2017 - 18 Director of Business and Finance Contract, the 2016 - 17 Financial Consultant/DEP Consultant Contract, the 2016 - 17 Accountants Working Agreement and the 2016 - 17 Accounts Payable Working Agreement.
C. Move to approve the 2016 - 17 & 2017 - 18 Superintendent's Contract.
- Board and Superintendent Comments begin at 30:13
© 2016 Carla Citizen All Rights Reserved

Sorry but some of the audio in here is hard to hear.  It would be better if every board member had a microphone and they used them.

Ms. Silvey gave a presentation on Professional Development for teaching staff members in the district.  There were prizes awarded to teachers for their participation in the program.  Congratulations to Tony LaDrig from Bridgeport High School, Julie Tolfree from the Bridgeport Middle School, Rachel Cain from Atkins Elementary, Jill Notter from Thomas White Elementary.

The Board and Superintendent comments are always worth listening to.