Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Bridgeport Musings: Dismissal Of John Rhines' Lawsuit Against Martha S...

Felt it was time to bump this post up:

Bridgeport Musings: Dismissal Of John Rhines' Lawsuit Against Martha S...: I suspect that most residents in Bridgeport have either been following this lawsuit or at least heard talk spread around Bridgeport about i...

Friday, May 5, 2023

Bridgeport Township Board Meeting May 2nd, 2023

On the Agenda:
Adoption of Agenda begins at 1:21
Approval of Minutes - April 4th, 2023 Regular Meeting begins at 1:44
Public Comments begin at 2:37
New Business:
1. Oath for New Police Officer begins at 39:55
Accounts Payable Checks 70990 through 71066 $249,133.42 begins at 43:57
Police Department Report begins at 44:29
Fire Department Report begins at 45:43
Manager's Report begins at 48:20
Comments by the Township Supervisor and Code Enforcement Report begins at 58:01
Board Member Comments begin at 1:09:32

First I would like to welcome our newest police officer Melonie Turner to our police department and township!!

Next item I want to mention is the new Code Enforcement Complaints report.  They have hired a full time code enforcement employee and have other members also working on this problem.  They are cracking down, but it does take time, sometimes a long time, to get these issues resolved.  Here is a copy of their first report:

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The last topic I want to comment on is an issue affecting the residents of Southfield Village.  First I want to say that the residents of Southfield Village are some of the more regular attendees at the township board meetings.  They seem to always support our township and work with the township leaders when there are issues.  I have always thought they are very nice people, the kind of neighbors I wish had!!  Poor me is stuck with stupid, psycho, or just plain old nasty neighbors, but those are stories for another day.

So the issue is that the Baptist Church here in Bridgeport bought an apartment complex that is located in the Southfield subdivision.  Their plans are to improve the building and house men in the complex that are going through the churches recovery program.  This will not be the same as a halfway house or rehab facility.  It sounds like a good program and probably has a better success rate than most programs.  The Southfield residents are understandably upset that this will be located in their residential neighborhood.

The first problem I thought with this was that the church should have approached the residents BEFORE purchasing this complex and explained what their plans were and to see if the residents would be receptive to it.  They are not required to do that, but I think it would have been a much better and more respectful way to do it instead of just barging ahead with their plans and tough luck to the neighbors if they don’t want it.

The pastor from the church did attend this board meeting along with two other men involved with this program.  The pastor and the housing director for the program did get up and speak about this plan.  They answered questions and tried to alleviate the residents concerns.   The two men accompanying the pastor struck me as very sincere and caring, towards the program and the residents with their concerns.  I was confused for a few minutes about the pastor, thought maybe he was a politician instead.  The pastor was asked several times if men being housed in this complex would be coming straight from jail or a prison.  Are they?  Who knows, because the pastor never answered that question, he danced around it like a true politician.  Being straightforward and honest is usually the best way to handle situations.

The last thing I want to say about this is that I was upset by the attitude and some of the responses coming from our township leaders towards the Southfield residents.  In the last nine years I have seen the nonsense that the leaders have had to deal with from residents here and I do understand their frustration, I just don’t feel that this situation and the residents’ concerns are nonsense or warranted that frustration.  You may think this recovery program is a good program, but it is not going in your neighborhood.  If you want to help this program with donations of money or your time, then do so, but don’t try to belittle the residents’ concerns about it in their neighborhood, or try to make them feel guilty for not wanting it.  You keep talking about “Community” but where and when was that shown to these residents?  Walk the talk before you condemn others.  Religion came into this discussion, maybe as it should have.  What are my religious views?  Most people don’t know because I keep them private.  I will say I am a Christian.  If you are a public leader and you want to serve with a Christian approach to situations, then great, this country needs more of that.  Leaders can inspire others by leading by example, let your words and actions shine through with Christian grace, charity, and forgiveness, but never use your faith and wield it like a weapon to beat down those that are not doing as you would wish them to.  I hope that the residents, church, and township can work this issue out for the best for all involved.

Lastly I would like to leave you all with a song I find quite moving.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

April 2023 Bridgeport Township Check Register

The check registers for the township are a matter of public record.  They have copies available at every township board meeting and I believe you can go to the township offices and request to see a copy.  I provide these copies here for any resident that is interested in being informed and can't make it to meetings or the offices.  You can learn a lot about how this township operates just from looking at the check register.  If you have questions about any items on there you can call the offices and someone will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Click on each image to view a larger version: 

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Monday, March 13, 2023

February 2023 Bridgeport Township Check Register

The check registers for the township are a matter of public record.  They have copies available at every township board meeting and I believe you can go to the township offices and request to see a copy.  I provide these copies here for any resident that is interested in being informed and can't make it to meetings or the offices.  You can learn a lot about how this township operates just from looking at the check register.  If you have questions about any items on there you can call the offices and someone will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Click on each image to view a larger version:   

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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

November 2022 Bridgeport Township Check Register

The check registers for the township are a matter of public record.  They have copies available at every township board meeting and I believe you can go to the township offices and request to see a copy.  I provide these copies here for any resident that is interested in being informed and can't make it to meetings or the offices.  You can learn a lot about how this township operates just from looking at the check register.  If you have questions about any items on there you can call the offices and someone will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Click on each image to view a larger version:  

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

October 2022 Bridgeport Township Check Register

The check registers for the township are a matter of public record.  They have copies available at every township board meeting and I believe you can go to the township offices and request to see a copy.  I provide these copies here for any resident that is interested in being informed and can't make it to meetings or the offices.  You can learn a lot about how this township operates just from looking at the check register.  If you have questions about any items on there you can call the offices and someone will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Click on each image to view a larger version: 

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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

September 2022 Bridgeport Township Check Register

The check registers for the township are a matter of public record.  They have copies available at every township board meeting and I believe you can go to the township offices and request to see a copy.  I provide these copies here for any resident that is interested in being informed and can't make it to meetings or the offices.  You can learn a lot about how this township operates just from looking at the check register.  If you have questions about any items on there you can call the offices and someone will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Click on each image to view a larger version:

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Thursday, August 4, 2022

July 2022 Bridgeport Township Check Register

The check registers for the township are a matter of public record.  They have copies available at every township board meeting and I believe you can go to the township offices and request to see a copy.  I provide these copies here for any resident that is interested in being informed and can't make it to meetings or the offices.  You can learn a lot about how this township operates just from looking at the check register.  If you have questions about any items on there you can call the offices and someone will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Click on each image to view a larger version:

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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

June 2022 Bridgeport Township Check Register

The check registers for the township are a matter of public record.  They have copies available at every township board meeting and I believe you can go to the township offices and request to see a copy.  I provide these copies here for any resident that is interested in being informed and can't make it to meetings or the offices.  You can learn a lot about how this township operates just from looking at the check register.  If you have questions about any items on there you can call the offices and someone will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Click on each image to view a larger version:

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Friday, December 10, 2021

Bridgeport Township Board Meeting December 7th, 2021

 On the Agenda:
Adoption of Agenda begins at 1:05
Approval of Minutes - November 3rd, 2021 Regular Meeting begins at 1:34
Special Orders:
1.  1st Reading Ordinance 21-04 Zoning Text Amendment - Drug Rehab Facilities begins at 2:04
Public Comments begin at 3:17
New Business:
1.  R21-11 Resolution Saginaw Area Storm Water Authority (SASWA) Apportionment begins at 15:42
2.  R21-19  Resolution Healthcare Employer/Employee begins at 18:20
3.  R21-20 Consumers Energy Streetlight Contract begins at 19:27
4.  Brush Contract begins at 20:52
Accounts Payable Checks 68887 through 69065 for $490,853.43 begins at 23:16
Police Department Report begins at 24:09
Fire Department Report begins at 24:59
Manager's Report begins at 26:27
Board Member Comments begin at 30:09

The Zoning Text Amendment for Drug Rehab Facilities sounds like it is just from a review and they saw there needed to be a update to that.  This is a good policy here.  It will apply to Drug Rehab Facilities, Halfway Houses, and Incarceration Facilities.  The amendment states that these facilities "Must be separated from any school, playground, park or church by a distance of at least one thousand (1,000) feet as measured from any point on the respective property lines."  This will also apply in reverse, no school, playground, park, or church can be built with 1,000 feet of these facilities.

The two resolutions are basically just yearly business thingys. There has been a new streetlight installed on King Rd. so they have to do a contract with Consumers Energy for that. Boring stuff there. 
They approved a new 3 year Brush Contract with Heart Tree Service from Bridgeport.  Heart has done our brush pickup in the past and I was always impressed with those hard working crews!  If I load them up with all the brush I hope to this coming summer, I probably should bake them some cookies or give them a good tip!!

The police department had 665 service calls for the month of November.  Chief Duffett wanted to remind residents that there is usually an increase in larcenies this time of year so residents need to be sure cars and homes are locked up.
The fire department had 114 calls, year to date they have had 1,377 calls, they are 188 calls ahead of the same time in 2020, and are on track to receive 1,400 calls which will be a new record. Two department members resigned since last month.  The fire department is still recruiting for on call firefighters. 
The Bridgeport police and fire departments, along with other area agencies have teemed with Meijer's  to provide meals and presents for local families in need. 

From the Manager's report:  The Saginaw County Road Commission will be filling in a sinkhole over on Towerline by Snowberry.  The cost will be split 50/50 with the township. In the summer of 2022 there will be chip sealing done on the roadways of  Fort, King, Moore, Curtis, and Blackmar Rds.   
They are still seeking applicants for the Citizens Advisory Committee.  They will be meeting approximately 3 to 5 times in the first half of 2022.  The deadline to submit your application is December 15th.   The manager also provides many other updates that are of interest to our community. Would you like to know what they are?  Guess you will have to listen to her yourself. More residents really should, but few will. 

There is something else I would like to address that concerns the public comments made at this months meeting and also the township board meeting from November 3rd.  I have wanted to comment on this since November 3rd, but have refrained because it might have been too brutal for the faint of heart here in our community.  I will try to keep this short and civil.
Let's start with some facts about the voters in our township.  We have approximately  8,612 registered voters, and only 1,599 bothered to show up to vote on November 2nd.  That is only 18.57% of the registered voters.  Way To Go Bridgeport!!  The millage lost by only 141 votes.  That is about 1.6% of the registered voters in this township.  I am sorry to tell you, But That Does Not Make A  Mandate for this township.  I truly believe that if more voters would have turned out, it would have passed, and I believe it will pass in the future.
A young man at the November 3rd meeting was upset that the township would immediately say that they would put the measure on a future ballot, and that they blamed "The Nebulus Boogeyman Of Social Media Misinformation" for the vote failing.  Has anyone read the nasty, petty, ignorant, and total misinformation that is put out on social media from our charming Bridgeport residents, especially concerning the Municipal Township Office Complex?  I can barely stand to read it and I usually quit before finishing.  I won't tell you everything I think when I read the garbage out there, but here are a few examples: What!?!?  How stupid are you?  Where did you pull that trash nonsense from?  Get a brain!  Get A Life! Try reading some facts and figures for a change!!  Maybe some therapy would help you with your anger and delusion problems!  Those are just the polite thoughts that cross my mind.  
I won't waste my time, or yours, telling you every example of "misinformation" I see posted concerning Bridgeport whenever I make the mistake of reading the nasty threads about Bridgeport on social media.  Too much to cover there, and it is still being posted online.  
There was a specific article I believe the young man on November 3rd was referring to, it is this MLive article:
BTW, I think Augie Tausend did a good job of responding to this young mans concerns in the November 3rd meeting and I hope residents will listen to it.   
I didn't find anything wrong with the article, instead I saw things like this statement:  “In all likelihood, we’ll need to place this back on the ballot in a future election, and hopefully, we can do a better job of combating misinformation and educating the community on the need for the new offices.”
That is what I would expect from a leader.  I have been here for over 50 years and have watched and listened all those years, and I know exactly what residents would be saying if they didn't try to bring this back to the voters:  "It only lost by a few votes!  And they're going to just let it drop.  We need leaders that will take action!!"
There are a few things the young man on November 3rd said that I agree with.  We have some good people in our community.  Hard working people that are struggling financially right now, some are over burdened by taxes.  I understand why they would vote no and if I was in their shoes, I might have voted no also.  It sounds like the people hit with the drain taxes recently are really hurting.  The future right now is uncertain, especially financially for many people, so I do understand and am sympathetic to some of those that voted no. 
There was another speaker at the November 3rd meeting and he offered up the suggestion of the citizens getting together with the township government to offer their concerns and suggestions, and find a way to work together on this issue for the future.  I think that Augie Tausend and Adrianna Jordan gave good responses to these concerns that the speakers brought up at this meeting.
For anyone that didn't see the November 3rd meeting, you can view it here:

One of the gentlemen that spoke during the public comment section at the November 3rd meeting also spoke at this meeting and had a different tone. I won't say much about it except that I disagreed with what he said and his tone.  And again I think that Augie Tausend and Adrianna Jordan gave a good response.  One thing he said was a suggestion I think that maybe the township should mail out postcards to every resident in this township to notify them about the Citizen Advisory Committee. That would cost thousands and thousands of dollars most likely.  And knowing our residents, there would be some bitching about the cost of them doing that.  The residents of this township will bitch no matter what they do, bitch if they do, bitch if they don't.  It is a no win situation!
The township has been trying to get this information out there to the public by various methods.  For those residents that don't go online to their website, get the email updates from the township, don't drive and see the notice posted on the electronic sign, there is always the Birch Run Bridgeport Herald.  The Herald does feature much of the news the residents need in the weekly paper.  If you can't make it to the store, they also offer home delivery through the mail service of the paper.  I feel that the residents have to make a effort to keep themselves informed.   

Just a few comments about some of the things I have read from residents online. 
-- Their Constant Contact email service is a good service for the residents;  Oh, you say you "don't do their email"?  Stay ignorant then, no one cares!
-- A Pole Barn! You seriously said that the township should build a pole barn for the new township municipal complex?  I am still rolling my eyes at that one!! Nothing would say to potential future residents, businesses looking to relocate here, or investors, "Come Here For A Brighter And More Prosperous Future" like a friggin pole barn!!  If you truly want a pole barn for your community offices, then I suggest you move to a township with a few hundred residents, then you can have your pole barn, and that is all you will ever have there.  Small minds think small.  
-- "The township needs to come to us, come to where we are!!"  It is going to be hard to keep this one polite.....  I found that arrogance astounding.  No They Don't have to come to "where you are"!!  Since they are nicer than I am, they probably would have done that if someone had worked to make that happen.  Did you contact them and say "Hey, we're having some softball tournaments or whatever and I think this would be a good place for you to come and talk to residents"?  I have my doubts that anyone put forth an effort like that.  The township tried reaching out in many ways to the public and tried to get the public to interact with them.  How many residents do we have?  Around 9,000?  A whopping 475 residents I think could be bothered to respond to their initial survey concerning the municipal complex.  They held open houses for the public to come to and see the plans, discuss your ideas or concerns.  They said that the residents could stop by anytime I believe to talk with them and look around.  I think the Fire Department also said that residents could call them or stop by and discuss it with them.  Residents can always call the offices, send emails, send letters to voice your concerns or ask questions.  There are board meetings every month and the public is Welcome to come,  few can be bothered to. They sent out mailers.  They used the constant contact email service to notify residents.  Information was posted on social media, posted on their website.  Information about the plans were in the Herald, I believe the Saginaw News, MLive online.  Maybe it was even on the nightly broadcast news?  The township made  the effort I feel to reach out, but it is a two way street; the residents have to make the effort to be informed and interact back with the township. If the residents can't be bothered or don't care, then I personally would tell them....."....".  

Their plan for the proposed municipal complex; it isn't a luxury dream, it is a necessity for the needs of this community.  I would actually like to see it bigger.  My motto: Go Big or Go Home!  Residents bitch online that this community is dead, it will never grow, etc...  I believe this municipal complex is not just a necessity, it is an investment in our community, investment in our future. If residents are not willing to step up in many different ways for our community, and also invest in our community, it will never grow.

Well I blew the "keeping it short' part here so I might as well post one last thing while I am on my "restrained roll" here:  
To you Bridgeport residents that I have been reading for years online, that constantly trash talk our Bridgeport students and our schools, I Find You Disgusting!!  And that is the polite version of what I really think of you.  Do any of you fearless keyboard trash talkers ever step up to do anything to make our district better, to help our students?  Volunteer?  Donate time or money?  I didn't think so!  And those "Out Of District" students that come to Bridgeport Schools that you were complaining about the other day online -- They are Bridgeport students, they are our students, our children, our responsibility! I don't care about some stupid imaginary boundary lines, and I surely don't care about their skin color.  We should want all of our students to thrive in every way.  We should want our school district to thrive.  If you can't support our students and our district, then please just shut up and spare the rest of us from having to listen to your ignorance!